Let us help
Have you purchased a painting while travelling, or a canvas print online and now you don't know what to do with it? Here at Framed! we are skilled at stretching rolled canvas prints and paintings.
We carry stretcherbar in 1/2", 3/4", 1 1/2" and 2" deep. Our kiln-dried Canadian basswood stretcherbars are custom cut to size and won't warp over time.
After your canvas is stretched, you can hang it on the wall as is, or you can choose to custom frame it for an added touch of style. We offer regular framing options, float frames and shadowbox frames in-store. With hundreds of options available, we are sure to have something to please your taste and budget.
Since every canvas is unique, we are happy to consult with you in person to determine what the possibilities are for your art. So put those thumb tacks away and let us help you!